3104 - 34th Ave NW, Calgary, AB     (403) 284-1342

Sundays 10:15am & Wednesdays 6:30pm

Worship Times

Pastor David Bode Senior Pastor


Raised in Ontario, Pastor Bode is a graduate of Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, St. Catharines. He has served parishes in Gasline (Port Colborne) Ontario; London, Ontario, and now here in Calgary. Pastor Bode has always had a passion for sharing…


Pastor Eric Moffett Associate Pastor


Hi, I’m Pastor Eric, an associate pastor at Foothills Lutheran Church. Originally from Kitchener Ontario, Music degree from Concordia in Edmonton, CREW Ministry alum, and ordained and installed at Foothills Lutheran Church, August of 2015. Being involved in U of…


Miriam Winstanley Director of Parish Services


Miriam became part of the Foothills Staff  in July of 2009 as a Parish Services Intern and now functions as our Director of Children and Family Ministry.  Miriam has a Bachelor of Social Work degree, and worked for 20 years…
